MCA Testing Schedule
What is MCA?
The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) are state tests in reading, mathematics, and science that are used to meet federal and state legislative requirements. The tests are administered every year to measure students performance relative to the Minnesota Academic Standards that specify what students in a p[articular grade should know and be able to do.
Who must take these tests?
All students in public schools are required to participate in the statewide assessment program. Reading and mathematic testings are administered in grades 3-8 and high school (students in grade 10 take the Reading MCA, and students in grade 11 take the Mathematics MCA). The Science MCA is administered to students in grades 5 and 8 and in the high school grade when students take a life science or biology course. With very few exceptions, all public school students in the above grades take the MCA.
Helpful Tips:
- Eat a nutritious breakfast on the morning of the test.
- Get adequate sleep the night before the test.
- Wear comfortable clothing on test day.
- Be on time to school.